"The woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep." ~Robert Frost

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Frostbite 5k

You must love the 5k. You must because they completely deplete you. It really is a 3 mile sprint. The whole way - push the whole way. What a fabulous experience to be had. The 5k for me is like a waiting game. Are you going to be able to pull it off? That effort? The whole time? Are you going to get mentally defeated that last half mile to quarter mile to go? Ah! How exciting.

The back story: I have never done well with the 5k. My PR was hovering directly over 25:00 - 25:05 to be exact.. I could run faster too! I knew I could, it just never happened in a race. My 5k back in 2004 (my 6 month running trial) 32:11. For Bele Chere last year, I ended up walking - yes w-a-l-k-i-n-g, about half a mile at least. My shins cramped up - I could barely lift my toes. For one, my technique needed some improvement, two I had not been on roads since the previous race, and three, I don't believe I had done any speed work. So this Frostbite was important to me, although I knew better than to expect a miracle.

My mom and step dad came to support me. My friend Kim and her mom also ran it. (My first ever race with Kim - she is mentioned again in the DuPont half post). I had no real expectations. I usually give mom a range of times so she "knows how happy to be when I finish". 

Happiness level 1: 24: something 
Happiness level 2: 23: something
Happiness level 3: 22: something
And of course the unattainable Happiness level 4: 21:something - just to be safe.

Well, the race started well. It went around Park Ridge Hospital on their walking path. It was rolling hill style. I kept a moderate/hard pace - tried not to look at the pace of my Garmin. First mile went by - I heard it beep so I glanced down - 7:00 (what? really?)  Mile two stayed a rolling hill style. Mile three started with a nice little hill including a turnaround at the top. I am mentally competitive so I counted the people as they passed at the turnaround. Hey - I wasn't too far behind! Last little bit - once I knew the finish line was coming, but couldn't see it, I held back for about 25 feet. There were little dirt clumps that had me thrown for some reason. Anyways, I picked it back up. As I ran into the finish I spotted the clock and was AMAZED. (I don't really utilize the Garmin well for this) I was close to 22! I didn't get to break it, but ended up with a 22:06. Garmin link: Frostbite 5k 

I was astonished. I had finally run a decent (for me) 5k!!!! It was great to have my family there to support me. I also ran into an old high school friend with her husband and 3 kids. It was great to see her and she had just started running too! We now keep in touch and share future race possibilities. If only my mind hadn't gone directly to...  "Now... how can I break 22?"

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