"The woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep." ~Robert Frost

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Travelling through time

I got to go on a run! I was going to go to Bent Creek with Yonton, let him mountain bike, while I ran/walked for an hour or so, just to be on my feet. I met him at his house and shared my brilliant idea. (He's shared before that he likes to mountain bike alone sometimes - I think it's relaxing for him.) The hesitation caught me by surprise. Yonton is not a runner. He kayaks, mountain bikes and climbs. Occasionally the treadmill calls him for 10 minutes - as it had the previous day of our excursion.

So the hesitation led to him offering to run with me - if I didn't go far. Well hell, I shouldn't really be running anyways, so it sounded good with me. We had a late start - maybe 7pm. (I thought I'd give him the Garmin so he'd have something fun to watch to entertain himself during the run. But, my Garmin has broken itself - yet again.) We started out at a relaxed pace - and as always - in it for the experience.

We ended up going (by my guess) about 4 miles. We both ran the whole time. My shins periodically flared up during the run. Currently they feel fine, but could probably use some ice. The run was great - by the end of it, it was really dark outside and I couldn't see where I was stepping. Thank goodness we had just come out of a trail when some headlamped-mountain-bikers came tearing down after us.

Needless to say, the run was fabulous. I think Yonton actually enjoyed himself, the berms calling him to play late in the run. We got to discuss his dream of time travel he had had the previous night and how the logistics may work out, if it really ever happened to either of us.

I appreciate the company and experience, fully and completely. Thanks for the support, as always. You rock.

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